Hopefully there will be another harvest or two - I have no idea how fast they grow but I know we could keep them forever and that would be OK.
Freshly picked.
And on the table... very impressive for this black thumbed wanna be farmer.
In other garden news, I jerked out the corn. Too many neighbors have it growing and I planted it, the lima beans and the bush beans wrong. I just made a trench and dumped the seeds and didn't thin them right, I suppose. Plus, there was a mystery squash (Mystery solved: zucchini) that was vining over the whole garden and beyond, so I had to make room for the invasive limas and beans.
See the pretty zucchini?
The tomatoes are going nuts, too. See all the pretty green fruit?
And I cannot wait to eat these three bottom bells. They are supposed to be delicious raw or cooked. Yum.
If I keep to a schedule, tomorrow will be meal plan Sunday. Don't hold your breath. I am not the most reliable blogger around.